Yo peeps. Sorry I've been so remiss with posting of late but I have been sucked into a vortex of new job-ishness. Also I am still without a camera so even if I had something to show you (that I had done) I couldn't (sob).
Then it occurred to me that I could show some of my etsy finds. I am an etsy junkie, blessedly I largely limit it to having an overflowing 'favourites' folder.
I usually search etsy (mostly vintage) with a particular theme in mind. Often it is 'wiggle dress'*, but it might be a particular colour, print or fabric. Sometimes I do a search that has a peculiarly vicarious quality. For instance miss potato my delightful, petite friend** will mention in passing that her fancy has been taken by a particular notion and my "altruistic" window shop begins.
Most recently I have been taken by the idea of houndstooth. Actually I've been taken by the idea of houndstooth ever since country road produced a bat winged blue and grey houndstooth scoop necked knit some 4 years ago... which I rationalised not getting (sigh). Strangely despite my love and periodic perusal, thus far I only have one houndstooth item but my waters tell me that will soon be changing!
For your pleasure I present the following finds:

This isn't the only or the cheapest or the complete set of the houndstooth decanter and glasses I found
A pair of houndstooth shoes are definitely on my agenda
Finally something from my altruistic collection for miss potato (over time it will become apparent that this collection as often as not consists of things I find and adore but won't fit):
*I worship at the altar of the wiggle dress
**Who possesses a vastly superior concept of fashion and style to myself