Originally I thought I would blog about food more than anything else but it seems at the moment that I'm preoccupied with the home. It's probably because mr wolf is headed to Melbourne for work, without the prospect of cooking for someone else my interest tends to wane. Fortunately I'll have one last hurrah as I'm heading to Melbourne for Easter so I'm looking forward to visiting the favoured eating haunts of the inner north (and family/friend times).
After Easter I start a new job, hopefully posting will increase (in interest if not quantity) as an injection of funds allows me to commence some of the many projects I have in mind - starting with creating/composing a cheap (but awesome) outdoor setting, finding an effective bathroom storage solution that won't involve banging things into walls* (a big no no according to our landlord, mother fox was very indignant stating that the less than stellar paint job was hardly worth preserving) and making plans for mr wolf's birthday (a little early believe me but for some reason I'm very taken with planning the perfect mixer which will involve canapes, drinks and decorations... oh and guests).
In the meantime I thought I would show you the cheap and cheerful addition I made to the den yesterday.

A Bergonia and an enamel pot(s really I did buy 3).
The bergonia I bought along with a pelegonium and a verbena (I think) which I situated outside my kitchen window on a metal plant stand thing I found in the shed (thanks previous tenants) in their own enamel pots.
Speaking of the enamel pots (enamel - something else I love) these beauties were picked up, of all places, at mitre 10 for $2.95 each. It was a serendipitous find as I had struck out to the local Vinnies in search of cheap ex-culinare pottage (I just made that up) for outdoor/house plants. Balking at the thought of paying $8 for a ceramic pot that had clearly lost a lid and had a hefty crack I departed swearing - as indeed I have the past three times I've been - never to return.
All's well that ends well though as I now have delightful enamel pots and some instant garden to look at while I wait for my nasturtiums, asyllum, arugula, chard, beans, parsley, sage, tarragon, coriander and lettuce to grow up - which coincidentally should be when mr wolf returns from Melbourne. In the meantime I look forward with anticipation of cool autumn harvests.
*suggestions welcomed - I need something that I can hang towels on. I am prepared to make it - although I only ever got very generous 'B+s' for woodwork and metalwork in high school so nothing involving soldering, dovetailing or fashioning a wooden spoon out a 2by4.